‐Vital information for life in Japan, always at your fingertips‐
一般財団法人自治体国際化協会(CLAIR/クレア)では、外国人の方々が日本で生活するための情報を14言語で掲載したiOS/Androidアプリ『多言語生活情報 Japan Life Guide』を無料で提供しています。
The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) has released a free iOS/Android App “Japan Life Guide” which provides information in 14 languages about daily life for foreign residents living in Japan. You can use this app. as an everyday guide as well as in times of disaster.

アプリの機能 ‐ App Features
Easy to understand information in 14 languages and 17 topics such as status of residence, housing, education, health and more.
When an earthquake over seismic intensity 5 occurs in Japan, the app will notify users in the language of their choice.

14言語で提供 ‐ Service in 14 Languages
English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai, German, French, Russian, Japanese (with Japanese syllabaries/furigana),Easy Japanese
アプリのダウンロード ‐ Download from your Smartphone or Tablet
Web browser: http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengo/
・iOS:App Store又はAndroid:Google Playで「多言語生活情報」、「Japan Life Guide」を検索
Search “Japan Life Guide”
一般財団法人自治体国際化協会 多文化共生課 Department of Multiculturalism Promotion
TEL:03-5213-1725 E-mail:tabunka@clair.or.jp
参考リンク / 広報チラシダウンロード
「多言語生活情報」広報用チラシページ 一般財団法人自治体国際化協会(CLAIR)
日本語 / URL:http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengo/appflyer/Flyer_jpn.pdf
English(英語)/ URL:http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengo/appflyer/Flyer_eng.pdf
简体中文(中国語簡体)/ URL:http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengo/appflyer/Flyer_chi.pdf
한국어(韓国語)/ URL:http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengo/appflyer/Flyer_kor.pdf