Aomori Nebuta Festival(National important intangible folk-culture property/Aomori City)

- 外観:高さ5m・幅9mと制限がある。
- かけ声:らっせらーらっせらー
- 開催期間:8/2~8/7
- JR青森駅から徒歩5分
The Aomori Nebuta Festival is one of the three major festivals in Japan.
It is an energetic festival held in the summer in Aomori, and is filled with an upbeat energy with Nebuta float figures, festival music, and dancers.
The lively festival is said to represent a victorious homecoming from battle.
Participants called haneto,wear a specific costume.
- Appearance:Floats can be up to 5 meters in height and 9 meters in width.
- Chant:”Rasseraa…rasseraa…!”
- Period of the festival:From August 2 to 7
- Approximately 5 minutes on foot from JR Aomori Station
青森ねぶた祭りオフィシャルサイト / Aomori Nebuta Festival Offical Website
(URL: http://www.nebuta.or.jp/)
青森ねぶた祭りオフィシャルフェイスブックページ / Aomori Nebuta Festival Offical facebook page
Hirosaki Neputa Festival(National important intangible folk-culture property /Hirosaki City)

- 外観:平均高さ6m・幅5.5m
- かけ声:やーやどー
- 開催期間:8/1~8/7
- JR弘前駅から徒歩15分
A procession of approximately 60 vivid-colored lantern floats featuring Sanguozhi, Water Margin, and other legendary stories move through the city. Pictures of beautiful women, or India-ink paintings that adorn the back of the lantern floats give contrast.
The somber and orderly procession of Neputa has led people to think that the festival represents a departure for battle.
- Appearance:Floats average 6 meters in height and 5.5 meters in width.
- Chant:“Yaayadou…!”
- Period of the festival: From August 1 to 7
- Approximately 15 minutes on foot from JR Hirosaki Station
弘前観光コンベンション協会ホームページ / Hirosaki Tourism And Convention Bureau website
「眠たい」を津軽弁では、「ねぶたい」「ねぷたい」と言いますよね? これがなまって、ねぶた・ねぷたとなったと言われています。
It is thought that the festivals evolved from a lantern-floating ceremony, but nothing is known for certain.
The original meaning of the words “Nebuta” and “Neputa” is thought to have been “washing away sleepiness.”
There was a ritual in which lanterns were floated in the river during the exhausting summer harvest period, in order to stave off drowsiness.
In the Tsugaru dialect, “sleepiness” is called “nebutai” or “neputai.” It is thought that this word was collapsed into “nebuta” or “neputa.”
Hachinohe Sansha Taisai Festival (Nationally designated significant intangible folk cultural asset/Hachinohe City)

- 外観:高さ約8m
- 開催期間:7/31~8/4
- JR本八戸駅から徒歩5分
Japan’s most gorgeous parade featuring floats with a history and tradition of more than 290 years. One will be enthralled by a joint procession of portable shrines from three shrines, followed by 27 floats featuring myths, legends, and kabuki.
- Appearance:Floats about 8 meters in height.
- Period of the festival: From July 31 to August 4
- Approximately 5 minutes on foot from the JR Hon-Hachinohe Station
八戸市ホームページ / Hachinohe city Homepage
Goshogawara Tachineputa(Goshogawara City)

- 外観:高さ約23m
- かけ声:やってまれ、やってまれ
- 開催期間:8/4~8/8
- JR五所川原駅から徒歩5分
Giant Tachinebuta designed in the era between Meiji and Taisho was restored by Volunteers of the town base on the old pictures.
A procession of giant float figures called Tachineputa of 22 meters in height (similar to the height of a seven-story building) is overwhelming.
- Appearance:Floats about 23 meters in height.
- Chant:“Yattemare…Yattemare!”
- Period of the festival: From August 3 to 8
- Approximately 5 minutes on foot from JR Goshogawara Station
立佞武多の館ホームページ / TACHINEPUTA NO YAKATA website
Kuroishi Yosare(Kuroishi City)

- かけ声:えっちゃほー、えっちゃほー
- 開催期間:8/15~8/16
- 弘南鉄道黒石駅から徒歩5分
Kuroishi Yosare is one of the three major dancing parades in Japan, and it has its origin in a song with dialogue between a man and a woman, performed during a Bon festival dance 500 years ago.
Visitors can enjoy the Teodori dance accompanied by shamisen, drums, and songs, and a dramatic dancing parade with about 3,000 dancers.
- Chant:“Etchaho…Etchaho!”
- Period of the festival: From August 15 to 16
- Approximately 5 minutes on foot from Konan Railway Kuroishi Station
黒石市役所ホームページ / Kuroishi City Homepage
一般社団法人黒石観光協会ホームページ / Kuroishi Turrist Assosiation website
This information is referring from “Aomori Japan Guide Book” published by Tourism Exchange Division of Aomori Prefecture.
You can download this Guide book from the Aomori Sightseeing Guide website “aptinet”.
青森ガイドブック・英語版/Aomori Japan Guide Book English Ver.
青森ガイドブック・韓国語版/Aomori Japan Guide Book Korean Ver.
青森ガイドブック・中国語・簡体字版/Aomori Japan Guide Book Simplified Chinese Ver.