熱中症とは?(What is heat stroke?)
建物の外だけでなく、部屋の中でもなります。 Heat stroke is a condition that results from an imbalance in the body’s balance of its salt and water levels where the body is unable to regulate its temperature well during hot or humid weather. Please note that you can become ill even when you are inside; it does not just affect those who are moving or working outdoors.
*軽いとき … めまい、立ちくらみ(立ち上がった時にくらくらする)、筋肉痛、汗がとまらない
(Mild) Dizziness, vertigo, muscle pain or soreness, excessive sweating
*中くらいの時 … 頭が痛い、吐き気、体がだるい
(Mild to Severe) Headaches, feeling nauseated, feeling sluggishness
*重いとき … 意識がない、体温が高い、声をかけても返事がない、まっすぐ歩くことができない
(Severe) Unconsciousness, fever, lack of responsiveness, inability to walk straight
熱中症を防ぐために…(How to help prevent heat stroke…)
- のどが渇いているときは、すでに体の水分が足りないとき。一日何回も水分を取る。
- 朝起きたときと寝る前は、水分を取る。
- たくさん汗をかいた時は、塩分も取る。
Drink Water
- When you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Drink water constantly throughout the day.
- Drink water right before bed and when you wake up in the morning.
- Make sure to replenish your salt levels when you sweat a lot.
- 部屋に温度計を置く。ときどき部屋の中の温度を測る。
- エアコンや扇風機を上手に使う。
- カーテンやすだれは太陽の光を遮るので、使う。
Use Air-Con, Shade Curtains, and Bamboo Screens
- Put a thermometer in your main room and check it regularly.
- Use an air conditioner and a fan together.
- Use curtains and screens to block the sun light.
- 通気性のよい(風や空気が通りやすい)、吸湿・速乾(汗を吸い取りやすく、乾きやすい)の服を着る。
- シャワーや保冷剤などを使って体を冷やす。
Wear Appropriate Clothing & Make Use of Ice-Packs
- Choose clothing that breathes, absorbs moisture,and is quick drying. Use hats and sun-blocking umbrellas when going outside.
- Use showers and ice-packs to cool down.
- 外で作業をする時は、特に注意する。
- 出かける時は通気性のよい服や、吸湿・速乾の服を着る。帽子や日傘も使う。
- 天気のよい日の午後すぐの外出は、なるべく少なくする。
Don’t Believe That You Will ‘Beat The Heat’
- Be extra alert when working outside.
- Wear clothing that breathes, absorbs moisture, and is quick drying. Use hats and sun-blocking umbrellas.
- Avoid going outside in the early afternoon on hot days.
「熱中症かな?」と思うひとがいたら(If you think someone has heat stroke:)
- Move them to a cool place.
- Remove excess clothes and cool their body down.
- Replenish their water and salt levels.
- If they are unable to drink by themselves,or are unconscious, call an ambulance immediately. (TEL: 119)
小さな子ども、お年寄りは、特に気をつけましょう(Look Out For Small Children & The Elderly)
- 小さな子どもは体温の調整がうまくできません。注意してください。また、小さな子どもは地面に近いところにいます。昼間は太陽の光で地面が熱くなり、大人より温度が高いところにいます。
- お年寄りは、暑さを感じにくいです。身体の熱を下げにくいので、熱中症になりやすいです。
- Small children cannot regulate their own body temperatures well. Keep an eye on them! Also, the ground can become very hot. Therefore the temperature is also hotter closer to the ground and small children are in an environment that is hotter than adults are in.
- The elderly tend to feel the heat strongly. It’s difficult for them to control their body temperatures, even in normal weather, so it’s easy for them to get heatstroke.
「熱中症に気をつけましょう」多言語チラシ ダウンロード
